How to Eat Vegan: Embarking on a Plant-Based Journey

Today, many people choose a vegan diet for ethical, environmental or health reasons. Veganism is a diet based on the principle of not consuming animal products. So, how does a vegan diet work and what should those who want to adopt this lifestyle pay attention to?

- Consume a variety of plant foods: A vegan diet should include a variety of plant sources so that you can get the nutrients your body needs. Different vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, cereals, nuts and seeds provide the protein, vitamins and minerals you need.

- Take Vitamin B12 Supplements: A vegan diet can often increase the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is usually found in animal products, so vegans should usually take this vitamin as a supplement. B12 deficiency can cause anemia and nervous system problems.

- Beware of Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Although omega-3 fatty acids are usually found in fish, they can be obtained from plant sources such as chia seeds, flaxseed oil and walnuts. Vegans should regularly consume omega-3 supplements or foods containing these sources.

- Choose Different Sources to Meet Protein Needs:A vegan diet should include a variety of plant sources to meet protein needs. Legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans), soy products (tofu, tempeh), grains and vegetables are good sources of protein.

- Do not neglect calcium-containing foods: Without milk and dairy products, you should get your calcium needs from plant sources. Dark green leafy vegetables (spinach, broccoli), almond milk, tofu and some cereals are calcium-rich options.

- Consume iron-containing foods regularly: A vegan diet can be an area that needs special attention to ensure iron intake. However, dried fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes and grains can provide a good source of iron. Consuming them with foods containing vitamin C can improve iron absorption.

- Explore Meat Alternatives:A vegan diet offers a range of meat alternatives to satisfy meat cravings. Foods such as soy-based products, seitan, legume-based products and mushrooms are delicious and nutritious substitutes for meat.

A vegan diet can be a healthy lifestyle when planned in a conscious and balanced way. However, it is important to pay attention to the variety of foods and supplements needed. Remember that each person's body is different, so it is best to consult with a health professional to create a personalized nutrition plan.